Monday, November 24, 2008

Blog 9

While walking around at my work place during lunch time, people from up-state set up a food market right outside the 14 Union Square train station. I notice organic vegetables and fruits are very attractive for people to buy and also very expensive. Listening to one of the seller that he sells tomatoes, corns, white mushrooms and so on, he said organic food doesn't have any chemicals in it. He's vegetable are grown from natural soils and does not have any pesticides or any genetically engineered in it. He claims his vegetables is healther than fruits and vegetables that you buy in the supermarket. Since Thanksgiving is coming up this Thursday and most of us are planning to consume a lot food in our system, I was thinking, I should do a little bit of research on how pesticides would impact our food and environment.

Pesticides is chemicals that kill unwanted pest. Pest that is include insects, birds, worms, mosquitoes, and microbes. Farmer spray pesticides in there crops to avoid destroying their plantations. It can save farmers money by preventing the lost of crops, decreasing food prices, and decrease in world hunger. The drawbacks of pesticides carries a toxicity to environment, animals, humans and especially HONEY BEES.
Pesticides are spray in the air when planes come across the plantations. An when it sprays some of the pesticides are carried by wind and contaminate certain areas. Pesticides can causes water pollution and soil contamination. Thats why the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have to step in to regulate the proper usages of pesticides. Some people are concerns that pesticides that use on our food crops can be dangerous in the long term effects. The residue after the farmer spray in there crops will remain in our environment.

When purchese fruits and vegetables, waste it thoroughly with water and use a potato peeler to peel of the skin. Here is websites says, which fruits or veggie has the most pesticides on it: If you are extremely want to eat healthy, please look for a sign that says, Certified Organic Growers for vegetables and fruits, but it will cost you extra $$$. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

This is the website concerning the usage of pesticide in our foods.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Blog 8 Collaborative Presentations

All the students in the class did an excellent job on explaining each particular religious and the philosophy on respecting the environment. Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and Daoism are all have a lot in common. Depending on which religion and culture we came from, these traditions teaches the moral and ethics of respecting nature around us.

Respect, preserve and nurture the enivronment or else it will come back and haunt us. Human interconnected with animals and nature in the ecology. Each living animals and plants have a role in the enivronment that we dependent on. Balance within nature makes up the environment. Don't be extravagant of buy unnecessary things that we don't need. According to Buddhism & the environment, "What happens to one creature, happens to others." Before buying any products, think will this product harm the enivronment. The most in important is its 100% recyclable material. Practice Buddhism will lead us live in harmony and peace within us.

I did not know that Islam religion doesn't have a god. Instead the Islam believe in Allah. Islam rules rewards and encourage Muslim to plant trees and respecting animals. According to Qu'ran humans, animals, plants, mountains and even rocks have relationships and specific duty and roles. The Islam religion teaches us to be good to all living things.

These days, most of people don't really care about the enivronment. Money and things are essential part of our culture life. Religion can redirect us to think of the consequence if we takes things to lightly. We need to stop blaming each other and blame on our self. We will never have enough and never satisfy of what we have. We need to escape this vicious cycle and and free our self.

Some of these slides are too wordy which kind of loss of audiences insterest. I learn that providing more pictures and explaining straight to the point will give a clear memorable picture. According to Al Gore, "An Inconvenient Truth" he gives more pictures than long statement. His ideas is still sticking in my head. I'm glad that our group distribute sourveniours to class, which I think is kind of memorable and distracting the students from asking us question :) Overall, powerpoint slide is the best things to share our presentations.

Monday, November 10, 2008

BLOG 7 American Museum of National History

This is the first time I been to American Museum of Natural History. I find very fascinating and I definitely will revisit when the semester is over. That way, I will have enough time to visit all the halls.

There is a lot of things to learn and spending one day in the museum is not enough. The first hall I visit was the Hall of Biodiversity. This hall is about all living creature are living on earth and animals are constantly interacting within our enivronments. Each animals live in different enivronments and habitats. The benefits of biodiversity is that human rely on food, fuel, fiber, medicine and heavily on natural product. All life reqiures clean air, water and food. One thing that most attract me is the Extinction and Biodiversity Loss. It is a list of animals that are extincted. Some of them live and die without any of our knowledge of learning them. A sudden change in our climate will lead to animal extinction and new animal will take over. It takes millions of years to recovery the process. What we doing in our enivronments is human are changing the ecosystem due to globe warming. Species are disappearing at a rapid rate. The coastal pollution about the "Red tides" was very disturbing to me. I never see Red tides that cause widespread of distroying the coral reefs, frquent closing of beaches. Red tides are link to pollution from industry and sewage. The largest depletion of our ozone layer is over in Antarctica. I'm afraid that if our ozone holes gets any bigger, all living things will get skin cancer including humans. I didn't know that Mexico City is one of largest polluted city in the world. The thick smog blind the city. At least laws and regulation are pass to protect the enivornment.

Our next hall we need to visit is the Warburg Hall of New York State Environment. Before enter the Warburg Hall of New York State Environment we need to pass by the North American Forests. The professor recommend class to see the Big Tree in the California Sierras that was cut down in 1891. It was very sad that people will do such a thing. What so fascinating was this Giant Sequoia Trees is fire proof and it can survive throw many generation. The diameter of the tree was enormous and it shows clear view of the tree rings.

The Warburg Hall of New York State Environment hall talks about the importants processes of soil creation and using natural fertilizers to grow crops. Since all the environmental issues are happen among us, we cannot pollute our soil and water cycle. Our soil creates foods for our eating.

The Hall of Spitzer Hall of Human Origins is about our great ancestors evolve into humans. We do have similar appearance as due human fossil and we came long way evolve into modern human. Since human came a long way, soon human will extinct if we continue to contaminate our environment. What Stephen Hawkings will said "I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planets. But I'm an optimist. We will reach out to the stars." I'm very pessimistic how our great grand children will say when we distroyed our planet.

My last stop was Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth. This halls is very similar to the movie of Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore. The museum give us a live version of the Green House global warming effect. Especially when scientists drills the ice deep down and collect it to measure the temperature every year date back in 1900s. The image reminded me when I read the Inconvenient Truth. Sudden change in climate will result in great danger. For example, hurricanes are getting stronger than ever.

The museum did a great job of making every animals, plants, the background and so on very real to an extent that you don't have to image it. It feel so real and alive. We need to be more active and start going GREEN!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blog 6: Research Topic and Sources

The topic that I choose for my research paper is dumping electronic waste in West Africa. Dumping E-waste in poor countries is illegal but there is always a loop pole for developing countries to by pass E-waste trade. This topic will give me plenty of sources for my research paper.

Here is a brief summary of E-waste in Ghana:

Electronic waste is broken and unwanted electronic device that are waste. It includes second-hand or broken computers, cell phones, flat screen television and etc. Ghana is located in West Africa where E-waste were label as second-hand goods. Most of the developing countries such as the United States, Germany, and United Kingdom are guilty of dumping obsolete computers in Ghana. Precious metals that worth money such as copper, silver are collected in the circuit board inside the computer and the rest of the parts are burn.

Over long term of exposure of e-waste can lead to devastating results in Ghana local’s health. Higher doses of mercury, lead, cadmium and mercury can damage the kidney the nerves system and especially around kids.

Here are some of the websites I may use for my research paper:

This website talks about the condition in Ghana including a trailer.

UK Investigates E-waste Dumping in Ghana.

Greenpeace is a international organization that protects the environment and encourage peace.

Other resources that I will definitely use are EBSCO Host in the LaGuardia College and Google Scholar.