Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Blog 12
This class introduce me to learn how to use a blog to write and it was a good experience for me because I never had a blog before. Normally, I don’t like to share my thoughts to anybody that I don't know. I wish I have time to decorate my blog a little bit more so it looks attractive. I enjoy researching the pictures for my blog, but I need to get into the habit of crediting where I get my pictures from. The point of blogging is to see other student thoughts and ideas. Writing blog is a creative writing assignment for our class. It is fun looking and reading other students blogs. Blogging helps get to know your classmate better. Blogging is a good way to interact with my classmate. Making comments of other students blogs gives us the feedback what they think. Instead of ten minutes of making comments of other students’ blog, I think we need twenty-five minutes to make a good concrete comment.
It wasn’t hard working with the Blogger and I don’t feel any frustration with the technology. I'm glad the first day of class we went over on how to sign up and use the blog.
Two hundred fifty words is enough to give a little taste of other students ideas. I everthing in life have a deadline, so making a deadline wasn’t hard at all. Beside, LIB200 is a writing intensive class, so I can't complain about it.
I might keep blogging if all my friends get into the habit of using blogs, but than again, they will argue what’s wrong using Facebook or email. It depends the majority of the people who I hang out with would like to use blogs.
One blog assignment that actually like was searching online to look for other people’s blog. Some people’s blog are very creative and I’m sure they spend a lot of time on it. Depending on how much the readers is interest in a particular subject, the readers will leave comments. That is the main goal of blogs. The best blogger is to post up pictures and video to support our thoughts. When I was searching for a blog, people use their blog as a diary or a journal to express their feelings. Their blogs can be very personal, but in anonymous so that they won't feel too unconfrontable.
Out of all the Blogs, I like Blog 7 which is the Field Trip to American Museum of National History. That assignment, I was really into it. It was a good experience to witness the differents halls of events.
Blog 11 More stuffs continue....
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Blog 10 Things that we can't live without!!!!
I rank this number one the worst of all:
Fuzzy Toilet Seat Cover
The Fuzzy Toilet Seat Cover is the most awful product you can get for your toilet. I don't want a furry toilet seat cover on my toilet seat. Is disgusting!!! It does not serve a purpose other than the looks of it. I will not wash the toilet seat cover with my clothes together in the washing machine. Imagine you sitting on the toilet seat cover doing your business while your body is sweating and the seat cover is absorb your sweat. All the sweat and other foreign liquid are collected and will create an unwanted odor on the seat cover. That is bad hygiene.
I rank this the second worst:
Mechanized Egg Cracker
The Mechanized Egg Cracker is the most useless product that you will every buy for your kitchen. It adds more junk in your kitchen. It is not convenience and you need to wash the egg cracker every time you use it. In general, machine are design to mass produce products quicker and efficient, if not, it make our life easier. What's wrong with cracking the egg on the side of a bowl? I understand people do get lazy, but I can't believe we need a machine to crack our eggs.
I rank this the third useless toy:
Battery Powered Spinning Bottle
The Battery Powered Spinning Bottle is just clueless to me. What happen to spin the bottle manually and it doesn't cost any money, except the bottle. A lot of toys are so ridicules and so easy to get just by asking or nagging their parents and kids doesn't even appreciate it. Once the kids get tired of it, that toy will end up in the trash can. Not to mention the batteries comes along with that toy. Throwing the toy with the batteries in it creates more garbage in our environment not to mention the hazardous chemicals in the batteries will contaminate the environment. Kids these days are having it so much easier than their parents’ generation.
Here is website of more useless things you can get:
Happy Holidays!!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Blog 9
Monday, November 17, 2008
Blog 8 Collaborative Presentations
I did not know that Islam religion doesn't have a god. Instead the Islam believe in Allah. Islam rules rewards and encourage Muslim to plant trees and respecting animals. According to Qu'ran humans, animals, plants, mountains and even rocks have relationships and specific duty and roles. The Islam religion teaches us to be good to all living things.
Monday, November 10, 2008
BLOG 7 American Museum of National History
There is a lot of things to learn and spending one day in the museum is not enough. The first hall I visit was the Hall of Biodiversity. This hall is about all living creature are living on earth and animals are constantly interacting within our enivronments. Each animals live in different enivronments and habitats. The benefits of biodiversity is that human rely on food, fuel, fiber, medicine and heavily on natural product. All life reqiures clean air, water and food. One thing that most attract me is the Extinction and Biodiversity Loss. It is a list of animals that are extincted. Some of them live and die without any of our knowledge of learning them. A sudden change in our climate will lead to animal extinction and new animal will take over. It takes millions of years to recovery the process. What we doing in our enivronments is human are changing the ecosystem due to globe warming. Species are disappearing at a rapid rate. The coastal pollution about the "Red tides" was very disturbing to me. I never see Red tides that cause widespread of distroying the coral reefs, frquent closing of beaches. Red tides are link to pollution from industry and sewage. The largest depletion of our ozone layer is over in Antarctica. I'm afraid that if our ozone holes gets any bigger, all living things will get skin cancer including humans. I didn't know that Mexico City is one of largest polluted city in the world. The thick smog blind the city. At least laws and regulation are pass to protect the enivornment.
Our next hall we need to visit is the Warburg Hall of New York State Environment. Before enter the Warburg Hall of New York State Environment we need to pass by the North American Forests. The professor recommend class to see the Big Tree in the California Sierras that was cut down in 1891. It was very sad that people will do such a thing. What so fascinating was this Giant Sequoia Trees is fire proof and it can survive throw many generation. The diameter of the tree was enormous and it shows clear view of the tree rings.
The Warburg Hall of New York State Environment hall talks about the importants processes of soil creation and using natural fertilizers to grow crops. Since all the environmental issues are happen among us, we cannot pollute our soil and water cycle. Our soil creates foods for our eating.
The Hall of Spitzer Hall of Human Origins is about our great ancestors evolve into humans. We do have similar appearance as due human fossil and we came long way evolve into modern human. Since human came a long way, soon human will extinct if we continue to contaminate our environment. What Stephen Hawkings will said "I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planets. But I'm an optimist. We will reach out to the stars." I'm very pessimistic how our great grand children will say when we distroyed our planet.
My last stop was Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth. This halls is very similar to the movie of Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore. The museum give us a live version of the Green House global warming effect. Especially when scientists drills the ice deep down and collect it to measure the temperature every year date back in 1900s. The image reminded me when I read the Inconvenient Truth. Sudden change in climate will result in great danger. For example, hurricanes are getting stronger than ever.
The museum did a great job of making every animals, plants, the background and so on very real to an extent that you don't have to image it. It feel so real and alive. We need to be more active and start going GREEN!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Blog 6: Research Topic and Sources
Here is a brief summary of E-waste in Ghana:
Electronic waste is broken and unwanted electronic device that are waste. It includes second-hand or broken computers, cell phones, flat screen television and etc. Ghana is located in West Africa where E-waste were label as second-hand goods. Most of the developing countries such as the United States, Germany, and United Kingdom are guilty of dumping obsolete computers in Ghana. Precious metals that worth money such as copper, silver are collected in the circuit board inside the computer and the rest of the parts are burn.
Over long term of exposure of e-waste can lead to devastating results in Ghana local’s health. Higher doses of mercury, lead, cadmium and mercury can damage the kidney the nerves system and especially around kids.
Here are some of the websites I may use for my research paper:
This website talks about the condition in Ghana including a trailer.
UK Investigates E-waste Dumping in Ghana.
Greenpeace is a international organization that protects the environment and encourage peace.
Other resources that I will definitely use are EBSCO Host in the LaGuardia College and Google Scholar.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Blog 5: Waste
I do sometime see something I like when people pull their trash out the curve, but only visible to me and I don’t have to dig. One time I was going home from work on a Saturday morning, where people pull their trash to the curve waiting for the garbage to make up the trash, were I came across a box of old Lego wrap with a clear plastic bag inside the garbage can. I look at it keep and continue to walk while thinking should take it? I when back and I took the old Lego along with some other stuff in it. Even though I was sleepy, I went to the back yard and pick out just the Lego pieces and discard the other stuff that was in it. I weigh the bag of Lego and it was approximately 10lbs. Then sell it throw Ebay and made a profit of $25.
In my neighborhood, I see most of the neighbors get mad if you go into to their property and digging their garbage for soda cans. Usually people leave a mess after looking for stuff or some neighbor will say, if the garbage is still in my property it’s still ours. You have to wait when the garbage can are pull to the curve.
The stuff that we consume everyday is making our planet a wasteland but at least Chris Jordan put it in an artistic form of what he we can appreciate his art. One the portrait that I like was the Running the Numbers. It was using millions of millions of the same stuff and making it into a portrait. The portrait was most interesting was the Prison Uniforms, 2007. Even though it was simple portrait, but I found it hard to believe that “2.3 million prison uniforms was the equal number of Americans incarcerated.” Jordan, Chris the Prison Uniforms. Couples of these portraits are made from millions of plastic. I consume three plastic bottle of water a day and that it everyone is doing that, it can be very scary if he can build a planet just plastic bottle. I need to change my habit from plastic to glass bottle.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Blogger 3
There are two types of energy. “Renewable energy which energy generated from natural resource such as biofuels from plants, hydro power produce by water falls, solar energy by using sun light, wave power from the ocean energy waves, and wind power from wind energy. Non-Renewable Energy which is strictly depending on natural resource that cannot be man made. These resources are fixed amount on earth such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas.”[1] We need to shift to from Non-Renewable Energy to Renewable Energy. “Renewable Energy will prevent global warming pollution, reduce dependence on imported fuel, and ease the price of natural gas. Sadly United States was only responsible for about 2% of using solar energy which uses light from the sun to convert into energy to power their houses. Other counties such as European use 12% and China use 62% of the total world solar capacity by country.”[2] We are living one the most develop countries in the world and yet we are using old technologies. We rely heavy on the petroleum and we have to depend on the Middle East countries to supply us oil.
[1] “U.S. Department of Energy. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy” 8 Oct. 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Blog 2
LaGuardia Community College is good stepping stone to begin my college career. I’m planning to finish my Liberal Math & Science degree in LaGuardia Community College this semester and plan to go for my bachelor at City College for Mechanical Engineering degree.
What matters to me?
What I worry the most is the next generation where our environment is threatened if continues our old habits. Since adults cannot change there old habits, we need to teach the younger generation to go green. Since the auto exhaust is the source of problem for kids and adults getting asthma due to air pollution, we must take action.
Transportation is very important. Partly most of our carbon emissions are from our vehicles. I will use this degree to design a cleaner and most efficient machine. Since I love car so much I will improve Fuel-Cell Hybrid Buses and Hybrid Cars. Since Hydrogen fuel cell electric produce zero emission in the exhaust pipe, which means less carbon dioxide. In the engineering field, I will always think green while designing any machine. That way human can benefit by using the machine and make the environment a greener place to live.
Going green during my weekends
Monday, September 15, 2008
Things affected the environment.
Global Warming is affecting our environment. The more we’re not changing our bad habit, the more likely our great grand children will suffer. Instead of worry about how much money we making, we should think about the world. Cars, plants, and oil that warm our house cause the Green House Affect. In order to solve these issues, either we switch to cars to horses. We need to invested money to research Fuel Cell Cars or Hybrids. The things that I slow down Global Warming is to major in Mechanical Engineering and I’ll design a car with zero emission. What concern me the most is that hurricane; tornado, typhoons, and floods are getting stronger. Sooner or later, these weather can wipe out our civilization and all the cities and land will be underwater because of iceberg are melting.
We all need transportation to travel places. Instead of driving cars, people should invest money in building subway station. Trains can eliminate carbon dioxide which Green House Affect. City should use our taxes to invest on subway station. What concern me the most is that if they don’t build more subway station, trains will be so crowded, fight to get on the train.