Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blog 12

Picture from flickr.com

This class introduce me to learn how to use a blog to write and it was a good experience for me because I never had a blog before. Normally, I don’t like to share my thoughts to anybody that I don't know. I wish I have time to decorate my blog a little bit more so it looks attractive. I enjoy researching the pictures for my blog, but I need to get into the habit of crediting where I get my pictures from. The point of blogging is to see other student thoughts and ideas. Writing blog is a creative writing assignment for our class. It is fun looking and reading other students blogs. Blogging helps get to know your classmate better. Blogging is a good way to interact with my classmate. Making comments of other students blogs gives us the feedback what they think. Instead of ten minutes of making comments of other students’ blog, I think we need twenty-five minutes to make a good concrete comment.

It wasn’t hard working with the Blogger and I don’t feel any frustration with the technology. I'm glad the first day of class we went over on how to sign up and use the blog.

Two hundred fifty words is enough to give a little taste of other students ideas. I everthing in life have a deadline, so making a deadline wasn’t hard at all. Beside, LIB200 is a writing intensive class, so I can't complain about it.

I might keep blogging if all my friends get into the habit of using blogs, but than again, they will argue what’s wrong using Facebook or email. It depends the majority of the people who I hang out with would like to use blogs.

One blog assignment that actually like was searching online to look for other people’s blog. Some people’s blog are very creative and I’m sure they spend a lot of time on it. Depending on how much the readers is interest in a particular subject, the readers will leave comments. That is the main goal of blogs. The best blogger is to post up pictures and video to support our thoughts. When I was searching for a blog, people use their blog as a diary or a journal to express their feelings. Their blogs can be very personal, but in anonymous so that they won't feel too unconfrontable.

Out of all the Blogs, I like Blog 7 which is the Field Trip to American Museum of National History. That assignment, I was really into it. It was a good experience to witness the differents halls of events.

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